There are hundreds of resins on the market and finding the right one for different applications, and the best in each category, is a daunting task. There are approximately 40 intrinsic properties that can be measured for each resin. Ultimately, we have to choose a handful to stock in our practices that represent the best possible formulation. These pages will help to make these discriminations with some objectivity.

This author has been exploring the field of resin engineering since 2003. While there have been many new improved resins brought to the market, the cacaphony of commercial claims both verifiable and mythical is deafening. One thing is for certain, composite is not “White amalgam”. Well, chosen we can expect long life. Badly chosen, short life and clinical failure await. It would be a great advantage to the profession if specifications were codified in a rational framework, see Towards a resin barcode

See the following links to obtain more information.

A resin selection sieve

Resins 2010

Class II resins 2019

Flowable spreadsheet

Dual-cure flowables

Heated Resins

Bulk-fill resins


Core buildup resins