Dr. Walford’s wife Robin operates a large organic garden.
In season, this organic mini-farm in the almost snow-free temperate Pacific Northwest Zone 7 produces numerous varieties of apples, , pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries,loganberries, grapes, raisins, almonds, lemons, hazelnuts, beets, chard, asparagus, kale, potatoes, garlic, onions, parsley,tomatoes, tomatillos, artichokes, squash,cucumbers, as well derivative products such as apple juice, apple cider, raisins, dried herbs, preserves of all kinds, and many flowers. Seaweed, chicken waste, and compost deepen the topsoil year by year, so that mechanical cultivation is not needed, because the tilth of the soil is so soft and deep now. There are two greenhouses on the property as well.
Inspired by their prolific mother, the adult children, in the family tradition, now have their own organic gardens !
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